lundi 27 août 2012

Of Chateaux and Seafood Salads

Edit: It's come to my attention that it's fucking hard to leave comments. I changed the settings. Hopefully it's a bit easier.

First, a few choses (that's cosas for you Spanish-speakers -Marc- and أشياء to you Taylor) administratives: Whoever is reading my blog from the UK, I demand that you identify yourself. After scouring my list of Facebook friends for likely candidates, I have come up empty. The controlling, neurotic part of me will not continue in this endeavor unless I'm absolutely sure I know who knows what about me. Also, you should totally comment. I put almost no effort into this but I expect you to.

Now, on to my French life...

Interesting things that have happened in the past week:

We visited two chateaux in the Loire Valley Saturday. They were, obviously, gorgeous. I, obviously, forgot my camera at home. It will all be okay though, because instead of dazzling you with photos that would allow you to abandon your pathetic lives and live vicariously through me, I can instead regale you with this scintillating cultural observation: French people love ham. Or they assume that Americans do. Everyone whose family packed a lunch (Holla at Dana's host mom, who takes the acceuille out of mère d'acceuille), packed at least two ham sandwiches. Usually with pats of butter. And also there were usually three. And sometimes four. I don't know if they assume we're all obese but carry it well or if this is simply another one of those magical why-aren't-the-French-all-suffering-from-diabetis moments, but there you have it. When you're picnicking with the French it's go hard or go home.

My host mom continues to be awesome, although her dog farts a lot. I guess she's not to blame, but still. I feel like I should have more to say on that front but I definitely don't. Those of you who know me well will be reassured to hear that I have yet to break a single thing! This I find absolutely amazing: no faucets have been broken, light bulbs mysteriously burnt out, or curtain rods torn down. Speaking of broken homes, I feel no homesickness at all (sorry Mom, the joke had to be made. I definitely love you. And our family. Which is not broken. It is great.) This is worrying (because I probably should) but encouraging (because yay delay-onset culture shock!)

In other new for which I have no way to appropriately transition, we started our classes today. This consisted mostly of us introducing ourselves. And it consisted entirely of us introducing ourselves along with a cultural quiz. So that was fun. We then had two information sessions regarding our program the first of which broke the mold and actually provided us with useful information. The information on housing, however, kept with the hallowed tradition of JYF by providing us with just enough information to illuminate the shadows of the dark in which we've been kept while doing utterly nothing to actually educate. And in a southern French accent! (MP if you're reading this your accent is quaint. You're like an American Julia Childs. Who was American. What I mean to say is I like you in absolutely every way and am only ever facetious).

That's all the news I care to think about. Stay tuned for more. Also check out Taylor's blog. She's going to Jordan and will have much more interesting stories than I will.

8 commentaires:

  1. Post some pictures goddamned! I request your next post to be a day in the life of Ben - told in photos. Can you do that enfant?

  2. I LOVE BEN!! Ben...I love you. Thank god you're not breaking things!! Did you make it through customs alright this time? I bet your host mom is amazing! What you have said about her sounds like you really lucked out!! Buy a camera and take pictures <3 I can't wait to hear more about your life!! I makes my day!!!!!!!!!


  3. yo can download my facebook album from that day and put it up as yours. lololol.

  4. I thought that Mme Parnet only spoke that way because she was hiding a piece of fried chicken in her mouth.

  5. Love reading this and can't wait to see you soon. Let's make a sort of standing date the weekend of Sept. 15th :)

  6. I love your snarkiness. Stay out of trouble mon ami

    -Greg F. =D

  7. OMG. You are so funny! Who knew? Ha. John reads your blogs to me and we cry with laughter! Keep the blogs coming. We love them and you! Pam
